News & Information

[Report] The last day of SHIDAX CULTURE HALL, 6/17


Today is the last day of SHIDAX CULTURE HALL.A lot of people came here at this hall because of various guests.

【Asia International &Japan program3】

“The Devil in the Afternoon”

Director Mayu Nakamura talking about this film’s story and her thoughts.

Tateto Serizawa answering audience’s question

The audience was laughing through question and answer sessions beccause Tateto Serizawa told his experience like this film’s main character:It is mistake to suspicious person.

“Counterfeit Kunkoo”

Surekha Senguptta(Producer)&ReemaSengupta(Directer)

This film describes renting problem the women have in India.Producer Surekha Senguptta and Directer ReemaSengupta talked about the feeling of the first co-operation of this film.Then Directer ReemaSengupta explained the situation of renting problem the women have in India through discussion.


“The Band’s New Stage”

Takeshi Tanaka(Diracter)&Kenichi Uganda(the leading actor)

This film shot in Okino island . This island is very small island,so the population of it is very limited.Diracter Takeshi Tanaka told the story about how much difficulty they had in collecting extras.