Short Shorts FILM FESTIVAL EXPO 2005 Short Shots Film Festival LoungeEXPO 2005 AICHI JAPAN


2nd Round Screening Schedule: July 4- August 7
Location: EXPO Plaza, The 2005 World Exposition, Aichi Japan
Screening program is subject to change.

tue schedule
The Other Side
@ Jim Hatibarua / 2:37 / Animation / Canada / 2003
A bird drawn on a canvas wants to get out of the frame to the beautiful world so he can fly out into the open sky.

@ Jim Hatibarua
Jim Hatibarua was born in Assam, one of the seven states in Northeast Region of India. Jim studied textile for 3 years, but when he realized that he did not like the work, he enrolled in a course in 3D animation in Bombay. He then worked in a small studio for 2 ? years before attending the Vancouver Film School in Canada, where he made gThe Other Side.h gI basically like stories and strong concepts and always believe that hard work can get you anywhere,h says Jim.

Timezones Explained by the Use of Light
@ Nikolai Ostergaard / 14:05 / Documentary / Denmark / 2003
A short poetic film about time difference and love. It is the recollection of a love affair, starting in Italy and leading to California.

@ Nikolai Ostergaard
Nikolai Ostergaard was born in 1962, Denmark. He graduated as a cinematographer from the National Film School of Denmark. Besides his work as a photographer primarily on documentaries and commercial films, his directorial work includes gThe Human Raceh (1987), gBasic Aestheticsh (1994) and gTimezones Explained by Use of Lighh (2004).

The Freak
@ Aristomenis Tsirbas / 6:45 / Animation / USA / 2002
A brightly garbed visitor brings hope for all things fantastic!

@ Aristomenis Tsirbas
Aristomenis Tsirbas (Meni) was born in Montreal, Canada where he studied fine art and film production. After several years working as a garphic designer and film editor, he turned his attention to computer animation. In 1996 Meni moved to Los Angeles to work on visual effects for films such as Titanic and Conspiracy Theory. He quickly rose through the ranks to become a visual effects supervisor. After directing two back to back short films in 2000, he founded his own production company, MeniThinks, which has allowed him to concentrate exclusively on directing.

Anyone Lived in a Pretty (How) Town
Directed by George Lucas
@ George Lucas / 6:00 / Experimental / USA / 1967
An experimental film based on American poet e.e. cummings' poem, which tells the story of a rare couple who experience life genuinely and happily and live among typical townspeople who are more concerned with the superficial and mundane.

@ George Lucas
GEORGE LUCAS (Writer/Director, Executive Producer) first attracted attention for his filmmaking abilities as a student at the University of Southern California, when his short film Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB, which he would later transform into his first feature, won the top award at the National Student Film Festival. His next feature, the low-budget American Graffiti (1973), became the most successful film of its time. But it was Lucas' third film, 1977's Star Wars, that changed everything and became an international phenomenon. Lucas created his own visual effects company, Industrial Light & Magic, to make his vision a reality.

Lucas has been storywriter and executive producer of box-office hits including The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and he created the adventurer Indiana Jones. Lucas returned to directing in 1999 with Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Three years later, Episode II Attack of the Clones, was the first major live-action movie to be shot entirely digitally. Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, released this year, completes Lucas's Star Wars saga.

(C) Short Shorts Film Festival. All rights reserved.