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Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2010

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Friday, 06/18 - Program Asia International & Japan G starts the weekend in Harajuku

Sho Kataoka
"Mr. Bubblegum"

Bahman Moshar
"No Photography"

Koji Watanabe
"Midnight Bar"

Aditya Assarat


The rainy season officially kicked in today. We get it every year about this time. It sure doesn't dampen things for us though, what a great turnout for this program of the day. 4 directors came by for the Q&A. Sho Kataoka for "Mr. Bubblegum," Bahman Mosha with his film "No Photography," "Koji Watanabe's contemplative "Midnight Bar," & Aditya Assarat came out from Thailand with his short "Phuket." Bahman drew gasps from the crowd when he told us that his movie, about an Iranian woman who gets arrested for taking pictures without a permit. Bahman went through pretty much the same ordeal & just made that frightening experience into a short film. Another fine example of how directors are able to use very personal experiences as the base for their shorts.


Short films, Harajuku people, & filmmakers from around the world!

DJ John

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