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Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2010

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Home > Report > Report Detail LAFORET MUSEUM HARAJUKU




Sat. 06/19, 11:15 - New Zealand is represented. Some of the year's best shorts & 1 very young actor.

Peter Salmon explains
"The Fog"

Young Master Vandy Connor
gets center and a slightly
larger pic

Adam Strange tells the
secret behind
"Aphrodite's Farm"


So here we are with just 2 days left, it seems like such a SHORT time with you all every year (he-he). A huge thank you to the New Zealand Embassy for their generous support which the New Zealand program& the following WETA seminar possible.


I was very fortunate to screen a lot of the shorts from New Zealand & what a treat they all were! The entire audience had nothing but raves for these films & the Q&A was full of the New Zealanders' warmth & humor.


Directors Peter Salmon of the "Fog" , Adam Strange of Aphrodite's Farm took part in the Q&A but Oscar Vandy Connor of "The Six Dollar Fifty Man" stole the show. He appeared with his Mom who was also one of the producers of the short. Although tremendously shy, he made sure to correct his Mom whenever she would make a comment not quite to his liking. It seems he took direction quite well. That he is pretty strong-willed in person fit quite well with his character in the short. Coming up, the WETA seminar supported by VANTAN (respect to this wonderful sponsor, a design institute here in Tokyo) with Richard Taylor & Martin Baynton, two of the chiefs of the world's top VFX studio in NZ.


I hear it's gonna be quite something. can't wait.

DJ John

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