2012 TOP > Awards / Jurors > Jurors Comment - CG Competition

Jurors Comment - CG Competition

Jurors Comment - CG Competition

CG developed 30 years ago through the continual development of new computer software, with Pixar's groundbreaking work "Toy Story" having been released in theaters nearly 20 years ago and altering the landscape for CG films forever. It is a big surprise how much time has passed since "Toy Story" first came out and we now live in a world where technological developments barely register with the public anymore. Within this CG category you really get a sense of how it is possible for CG works with little backing can compete right up against professionally produced CG films. You can feel that a completely different kind of work, something that is neither live-action nor traditionally animated, is being born.

Flamingo Pride
Tomer Eshed/Germany/6:02/Animation/2011
Flamingo Pride
Frustrated being the only straight flamingo in a gay flock, the hero falls in love with a lady stork that flies by. Unable to convince her of his intentions, he isolates himself and goes through an identity crisis. An intensive encounter inspires a bold move.