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2015 TOP Topics Detail[Report] June 9th @BSST

Topics Detail

[Report] June 9th @BSST

Today is the 5th day of the film festival, already the half way point of this festival! Thank you very much for coming on a such a drizzling weather.

Our first program was the Quebec Program supported by the Saguenay International Short Film Festival. We were lucky to have chance to interview the director of “Mirrors” Mr. Etienne Desrosiers. He told us that he selected Mr. Xavier Dolan among about 60 other actors, and he was already determined to be a pro. Also, his skin color was in perfect tone, that caught the light very well, which was great for this film. He also mentioned he was honored to be here thanks to Mr. Xavier Dolan since his film came out 7 years ago, but now it’s in spot light again thanks to him.


We also had the programer of the Saguenay International Short Film Festival Ms. Marie-Élaine Riou on stage as well, and she mentioned that the director of “Del Ciego Desert” Mr. Francois Leduc is a huge Kurosawa fan, and was delighted when he knew that his film was going to be screened in Japan, and the cultures were crossing.

Then followed, the Children Program supported by Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, then Kaohsiung Film Festival Program from Taiwan, then the Fashion Shorts Program, finished by Save the Earth! Competition.

For Save the Earth! Competition, the director of “Once Upon a Tree” Ms. Marleen van der Werf joined us for a Q&A session. “Once Upon a Tree” won the Best Short Award/Ministry of Environment Minister’s Award for Save the Earth! Competition.
We asked her about the camera works since there were interesting scenes that showed the forrest with a bird’s eye view, and micro shoots like a bug, the bird’s eye view was taken by a octocopter drone, the bugs scenes were with macro, and others were high speed and time laps.
The director’s favorite scene was when the girl had to say good bye to the grasshopper (that died), and it was one of the most touching moments throughout the whole filming process.
Ms. Marleen van der Werf told us that Tokyo/Yokohama has much more nature than the Netherlands, and we need to stand in a view point that there is nature, not the assumption that there is not much. If we stand in a view point that there is nature, we can feel the nature more.


Ms. Marleen van der Werf was kind enough to answer question even when the Q&A was over.


BSST had a busy day today!
We look forward to seeing you here!

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