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2015 TOP Topics Detail[Report] June 6th Children Program/ O...

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[Report] June 6th Children Program/ Omotesando Hills Space O

Today we started with “Children Program”.
It was very nice to see many families coming to enjoy the shorts in Saturday morning!

It’s amazing how shorts without words are borderless; no matter what country you are from, everyone is able to enjoy them.
We screened 11 shorts with many varieties; such as a film describing the life of a sea turtle, or about a zebra which its border patterns change into dots, squares, etc. I could hear many kids laughing, and was sure that everyone enjoyed the movie time.

Before the screening, we welcomed a guest from Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Mr. Bertrand Rouchit.


He shared the historical background of the festival. It started 37 years ago, and is now one of the biggest short film-festival in the world.
In France, children start watching short films as part of their education in kindergarten. With that background, the festival is targeting 18-months-old babies to grandparents as an audience. I felt how important the festival is to the region, and is being a big part of their culture.

By the way, Mr. Rouchit told me that it is his first time to visit Japan.
Hope he has a great time, eating Sushi, Shabu-shabu or whatever he would like!



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